What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common sexual problem men report to their doctors. As many as 30 million men are affected.
The term ED refers to the difficulty in obtaining or maintaining an erection firm enough for sexual activity.
It's not necessarily alarming to have erection problems from time-to-time. Erectile dysfunction can be a source of stress, lower your self-confidence, and cause relationship issues if it is a persistent problem. If you have trouble getting or maintaining an erection, it could be an indication of a health problem that requires treatment. It can also increase your risk for heart disease.
Erectile dysfunction symptoms might include persistent:
Trouble getting an erection
Problems with erection
Reduced sexual desire
It's normal for men to experience erection problems from time to time. However, ED which is persistent or occurs with sex regularly is not normal and should be treated.
The ED can occur:
When nerves or blood flow are damaged, the most common cause of penis swelling is when there is a restriction in blood flow
Stress or emotional reasons
Early warning signs of more serious illnesses, such as: heart disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, or high blood sugar due to diabetes
The cause of your ED can be treated and your well-being improved by identifying the root cause. What's good to your heart is also good for your sexual health.
How does the brain work with kamagra?
Kamagra is a medication primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Its active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, which belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. Kamagra works by increasing blood flow to the penis when a man is sexually aroused, thereby facilitating an erection.
They do this by inhibiting the enzyme PDE5, which regulates blood flow in the penis. By blocking PDE5, Kamagra allows the blood vessels in the penis to dilate, resulting in improved blood flow and a firmer erection.
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How do Erections work?
During sexual stimulation, nerves release chemicals which increase blood flow to the penis. The blood flows into the two erection cells in the penis (the corpus cavernosum), which are made up of spongy muscles. The corpus cavernosum chambers do not have hollow walls.
The spongy tissue relaxes and traps blood during erection. Blood pressure inside the chambers causes the penis to firm up, which leads to an erection. A second set of nerve signals reaches the penis, which causes the muscles to contract. Blood is then released into the circulation.
The penis will be soft and limp when you're not sexually aroused. The size of the male penis can change with temperature, worry or warmth. This is normal. It reflects how much blood enters and leaves the penis.
The process of male sexual arousal involves a number of factors, including the brain, hormones and emotions, as well as nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. A problem with one of these can lead to erectile dysfunction. Stress and mental health issues can also cause or worsen erectile disorder.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a combination between physical and psychological factors. A minor physical problem that affects your sexual response could cause anxiety. This anxiety can worsen or cause erectile malfunction.
Physical causes of erectile disorder
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical factors. Some of the most common causes are:
Heart Disease
Atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels)
High Cholesterol
High blood pressure
Metabolic syndrome is a condition that involves high blood pressure, insulin, excess body fat, and high cholesterol.
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Some prescription drugs
Tobacco use
Peyronie disease -- formation of scar tissue in the penis
Alcoholism, drug abuse and other forms
Sleep disorders
Treatments for prostate cancer and enlarged prostate
Surgery or injuries affecting the pelvic region or spinal cord
Low testosterone
Erectile dysfunction and psychological causes
The brain is responsible for triggering a series of physical events, beginning with sexual excitement. Many things can affect sexual feelings, causing or worsening erectile disorder. They include:
Depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions
Relationship issues due to stress, poor communications or other concerns
The following is a list of precautions.
Can EDs be prevented?
Certain lifestyle changes, such as:
Reduce your cholesterol.
Exercises that increase cardiovascular activity, such as running, jogging, or cycling, are recommended.
You can maintain a healthy body weight.
Sleeping well is important.
Healthy foods low in saturated fats such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and vegetables.
Stopping smoking.
Reduce or stop drinking.
Risk factors
You may find that your erections are less firm and take longer to form as you age. It may be necessary to apply more pressure to the penis in order to maintain an erection.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Diabetes or heart disease are two of the most common medical conditions.
Smoking, which reduces blood flow in veins and arteries can lead to chronic health conditions, including erectile disorder.
Obesity is a serious condition that can lead to weight gain.
Some medical treatments such as radiation therapy for cancer or prostate surgery
Injury, especially if it damages the nerves or arteries controlling erections
Antidepressants, antibiotics, and medications for high blood pressure, pain, or prostate conditions are all available.
Stress, anxiety, and depression are all psychological conditions.
Alcohol and drug abuse, especially for those who have been heavy drinkers or long-term users of drugs
Your heart and vascular system is the first step in treating ED. Your doctor will likely point out "risk factors" that you can change or improve.
You might be asked to stop smoking, change your eating habits, increase your workouts, or stop drinking alcohol or using drugs. Alternatives to your current drugs may be suggested. Never stop taking prescription medications without consulting your doctor first.
You may be advised to seek treatment for emotional issues by your doctor. You may also be referred to a psychologist for emotional problems.
You can treat ED with the treatments listed below.
Oral Drugs - PDE5 Inhibitors
PDE type-5 inhibitors can increase the flow of blood in the penile. The Food and Drug Administration has approved these oral agents for treating ED in the U.S.
Viagra (r) is a sildenafil citrate.
Levitra (r) (vardenafil HCl)
Cialis (r), (tadalafil).
Stendra (r) (avanafil)
Men with ED should take these pills an hour or so before sex. These drugs are only effective if the penis has normal nerve function. PDE5 inhibitors help improve normal erectile response by increasing blood flow to the penis. These drugs should be taken as prescribed. Around 7 out of 10 males have improved erections. Diabetics, and cancer patients have lower response rates.