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How to Repel Asshole Game
Hate the Player, But Don’t Blame GAME
Can Women Run GAME on Men?
He Needs to Date in College So He’s Not a Loser Later
Spitting Game: The College Hookup Culture
Doing An End Run Around Hookup Culture
The Heart Wants…What the Penis Wants?
What Men Need From Women (No, Not Sex)

So this is the real problem with dating. There’s probably not a ‘next-time’. At least not with your current crush. Because the sad truth is that if someone doesn’t fall for you the first time you try and convince them how wonderfully lovable you are (especially if you spent months trying) – they’re probably not going to be convinced a month or a year later. And even worse, they’re probably going to spend that month or year falling in love with someone else that you will then find yourself fruitlessly comparing yourself to (see point #1).

So what’s the outcome of this comparison? I guess the sad truth is, when you go for a job and you don’t get it, you can say: “A little more experience. Work a bit more. Try for a similar job. Try for the promotion next time.”

But when you make a play for a guy and fail dismally, you really can’t tell yourself to get some more experience and try again. Cause 9 times out of 10, they are (as one of my favourite movies would say): just not that into you.